Optimize your space
Create the right tenant mix
Build, buy or lease

Make informed, data-infused decisions across your building portfolio by analysing the actual usage of office locations, mixed-use estates and business parks by employees and visitors. By providing occupancy insights in real-time, your asset management decisions can be made with objective data, rather than relying on guesswork, poor quality sensor data or survey results. Explore "Tracking occupancy with Fyma" the case study.

Use case

A multi-story office building faced challenges with floor utilization. By implementing data-infused occupancy analysis, an underutilized fifth floor was identified. Through space reallocation and engagement initiatives, the fifth floor's occupancy rate increased from 29% to 73%. This optimization led to a $1.2 million annual cost reduction by maximizing leased space and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

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See how Fyma can help you gather accurate occupancy insights right from the start.

Object detection
and recognition


Specific location

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